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Dr. Álvaro Romero-Calvo

Dr. Romero-Calvo joined the Daniel Guggenheim School of Aerospace Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology as an Assistant Professor in August 2022. His research explores the use of electromagnetic actuation mechanisms to control multiphase flows in microgravity and partial gravity. Dr. Romero-Calvo approaches the study of low-gravity fluid mechanics from an analytical, numerical, and experimental perspective with the goal of developing next-generation spacecraft fluid management technologies.

System Design and Analysis for Cislunar Space Domian Awareness Through Distributed Sensors

Badura, G.; Shimane, Y.; Gregoire, A.; Patel, R.; Gilmartin, M.; Gangolli, K.; Visonneau, L.; Tysor, J.; Manojkumar, S.; Humphrey, F.; Valenta, C.; Blair, R.; Lourenco, N.; Hodkin, J.; Sudol, A.; Borowitz, M.; Gunter, B.; Christian, J.A.; and Ho, K.; “System Design and Analysis for Cislunar Space Domain Awareness Through Distributed Sensors,” AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, Charlotte, NC, August 2022.

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