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SSDL PPT - Overview of Lunar Flashlight Operations (Jishnu Medisetti)

Submitted by samuelthart on 4 April 2022

This presentation describes the operations of the Lunar Flashlight mission. This was presented by Jishnu Medisetti in a biweekly SSDL meeting. 

You can download the presentation here.

This presentation describes the operations of the Lunar Flashlight mission. This was presented by Jishnu Medisetti in a biweekly SSDL meeting. 

You can download the presentation here.

Mass balance of the Greenland Ice Sheet from 1992 to 2018

Shepherd, A.; Ivins, E.; Rignot, E.; Smith, B.; van den Broeke, M.; Velicogna, I.; Whitehouse, P.; Briggs, K.; Joughin, I.; Krinner, G.; Nowicki, S.; Payne, T.; Scambos, T.; Schlegel, N.; A, G.; Agosta, C.; Ahlstrøm, A.; Babonis, G.; Barletta, V.; Bjørk, A.; Blazquez, A.; Bonin, J.; Csatho, B.; Cullather, R.; Engdahl, M.; Felikson, D.; Fettweis, X.; Forsberg, R.; Gallee, H.; Gardner, A.; Gilbert, L.; Gourmelen, N.; Groh, A.; Gunter, B.C.; Hanna, E.; Harig, C.; Helm, V.; Hogg, A.; Horvath, A.; Horwath, M.; Khan, S.; Kjeldsen, K.; Konrad, H.; Langen, P.; Lecavalier, B.; Loomis, B.; Luthcke, S

SSDL PPT - Concept of Operations for the VISORS Mission (William Rawson)

Submitted by samuelthart on 1 March 2022

This presentation describes the concept of operations of the VISORS mission. This was presented by Will Rawson in a biweekly SSDL meeting. 

You can download the presentation here.

This presentation describes the concept of operations of the VISORS mission. This was presented by Will Rawson in a biweekly SSDL meeting. 

You can download the presentation here.

SSDL PPT - GT-1 Flight Software Development and Mission Operations (Ebenezer Arunkumar)

Submitted by samuelthart on 1 March 2022

This presentation gives an overview of the software development and mission operations of the GT-1 mission. Some interesting lessons learned are included. This was presented by Ebenezer Arunkumar in a biweekly SSDL meeting. 

You can download the presentation here.

This presentation gives an overview of the software development and mission operations of the GT-1 mission. Some interesting lessons learned are included. This was presented by Ebenezer Arunkumar in a biweekly SSDL meeting. 

You can download the presentation here.

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