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SSDL PPT - Multi-Spacecraft Cislunar Space Domain Awareness Optimization (Lois Visonneau)

Submitted by samuelthart on 7 February 2023

This presentation was given by Lois Visonneau at a biweekly SSDL meeting. It covers the development of an architecture to maintain situational awareness in cislunar space.

The presentation can be found here.

This presentation was given by Lois Visonneau at a biweekly SSDL meeting. It covers the development of an architecture to maintain situational awareness in cislunar space.

The presentation can be found here.

SSDL PPT - A Heuristic Method for Determining Payload-to-Vehicle Assignment & Launch Order for Multi-Vehicle Exploration Campaigns (Nick Gollins)

Submitted by samuelthart on 7 February 2023

This presentation was given by Nick Gollins at a biweekly SSDL meeting. It describes a method for determining how to most efficiently match payloads to vehicles and assign their launch order in a multi-vehicle mission architecture.

The presentation can be found here.

This presentation was given by Nick Gollins at a biweekly SSDL meeting. It describes a method for determining how to most efficiently match payloads to vehicles and assign their launch order in a multi-vehicle mission architecture.

The presentation can be found here.

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