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SSDL PPT - Spacecraft Formation Flying Using Differential Dynamic Programming (Tomohiro Sasaki)

Submitted by samuelthart on 29 November 2022

This presentation was given by Tomohiro Sasaki at a biweekly SSDL meeting. It describes the development of an algorithm that applies differential dynamic programming to the formation flight problem. 

The presentation can be found here.

This presentation was given by Tomohiro Sasaki at a biweekly SSDL meeting. It describes the development of an algorithm that applies differential dynamic programming to the formation flight problem. 

The presentation can be found here.

SSDL PPT - LIDAR Odometry for Lunar Terrain Relative Navigation (Carl De Vries)

Submitted by samuelthart on 15 November 2022

Carl De Vries gave this presentation at a biweekly SSDL meeting. The presentation covers his research in LIDAR odometry for terrain relative navigation in the lunar environment.

The powerpoint presentation can be found here.

Carl De Vries gave this presentation at a biweekly SSDL meeting. The presentation covers his research in LIDAR odometry for terrain relative navigation in the lunar environment.

The powerpoint presentation can be found here.

SSDL PPT - Cylindrical Orthogonal Collision Risk Management in Spacecraft Formations (Ulises Núñez)

Submitted by samuelthart on 15 November 2022

This presentation was given by Ulises Núñez at a biweekly SSDL meeting. It outlines his research on collisions risk management for spacecraft formation flight.

You can find the presentation here

This presentation was given by Ulises Núñez at a biweekly SSDL meeting. It outlines his research on collisions risk management for spacecraft formation flight.

You can find the presentation here

Ph.D. Defense: Tristan Sarton du Jonchay

Ph.D. Defense: Tristan Sarton du Jonchay
Event Date/Time
Event Duration
1 hour
Event Location
Montgomery-Knight Building, room MK 325



From telecommunications to weather monitoring, Geosynchronous (GEO) satellites represent a critical infrastructure supporting a multitude of terrestrial markets. This, however, comes at the cost of large capital expenditures to manufacture, insure, and launch these large spacecrafts to their remote orbits. Until recently, the traditional paradigm to maintain and upgrade this infrastructure consisted of replacing the outdated satellites with new assets designed to last 15 to 20 years. However, with the advent of On-Orbit Servicing (OOS), this paradigm will soon change.
OOS is a nascent space-based industry aimed at making the operations and management of Earth-orbiting satellites sustainable. Two space systems central to OOS infrastructures are servicers and orbital depots. Servicers are robotic spacecraft providing services (e.g., refueling) to client satellites. Orbital depots are in-space warehouses storing commodities (e.g., spares, propellant) to support the long-term operations of the servicers and client satellites. With a growing interest in designing and deploying OOS infrastructures comes the need to plan their long-term operations as well as the supply chain of commodities needed to support them.
This dissertation presents a set of methods that model and simulate the operations of large OOS infrastructures dedicated to the servicing of GEO satellites with uncertain needs. The second chapter demonstrates how Discrete Event Simulation (DES) can be used to explore simple operational concepts with relatively small design tradespaces. For larger ones, however, a more automated design method is needed. To fulfill this need, the third chapter introduces a novel simulation framework that simultaneously makes decisions regarding the operations (e.g., servicers’ routing and refueling) and the supply chain (e.g., re-supply of depots) of OOS infrastructures. The first contribution presented in the third chapter is to develop a Time-Expanded Generalized Commodity Network Flow (TE-GMCNF) model with the inherent capacity to allocate service tasks optimally. Furthermore, the third chapter leverages the Rolling Horizon (RH) procedure to embed service demand uncertainties within the TE-GMCNF model. The fourth chapter generalizes the framework introduced in the third chapter by modeling the relative dynamics of the nodes of the OOS network and different propulsive options for the servicers, such as impulsive thrust, low thrust, or both.

• Dr Koki Ho – School of Aerospace Engineering (advisor)
• Dr Glenn Lightsey – School of Aerospace Engineering
• Dr Sandra Magnus – School of Aerospace Engineering
• Dr Mark Whorton – School of Aerospace Engineering
• Dr Paul Grogan – School of Systems and Enterprises, Stevens Institute of Technology

SSDL PPT - Research Overview (Dr. Ho)

Submitted by samuelthart on 1 November 2022

This presentation provides an overview of ongoing research in Dr. Ho's research group. This was presented by Dr. Ho in a biweekly SSDL meeting. This PowerPoint was last updated for a Fall 2022 biweekly lab meeting.

You can download the presentation here.

This presentation provides an overview of ongoing research in Dr. Ho's research group. This was presented by Dr. Ho in a biweekly SSDL meeting. This PowerPoint was last updated for a Fall 2022 biweekly lab meeting.

You can download the presentation here.

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